Thursday, January 17, 2013

Welcome to Our Tiny Home

Only a year ago, if I had told my mother I was starting a blog about making your home look great, she would have laughed in my face. Whether or not it's deserved (ok, it is), I have always been known in my family as the biggest slob. I always hated cleaning and my room tended to look more like a landfill than a beacon of design and style, but hey, people change!

And here I am a year later - a 24-year-old living in Boston's North End neighborhood with her boyfriend of almost 5 years and their puppy Olive, the most adorable dog in the universe.

See? I'm not lying!

After moving into our second apartment together (the first was both messy and boring), the design bug bit me, and I have spent the last 9 months making our rental look and feel like a home. Like many 20-somethings, the idea of owning a home isn't something that's feasible or even attractive at this point. Not only do we have no money (I work in a non-profit; my boyfriend is in grad school), but we like being able to call someone else to come and save the day when a dishwasher or toilet breaks. While there are some perks to renting, one of the downfalls of renting is that it's a lot more difficult to make a place truly feel like it's ours. We're not allowed to paint and we can't do any major renovations, so we (well, I) had to get creative. 

This blog is intended not just to chronicle the work I do to make our tiny home the best place it can be, but also to inspire all you renters out there to do just a little something to make your apartment look a little bit better. While I intend to lay out my DIY projects and new purchases, I'll also use this blog as a place to show off dream homes and rooms that inspire and drive me to make our modest little place into something more.

I am by no means an expert - in fact, I have no idea what I'm doing, so, take everything I post here with a grain of salt. The one thing I can guarantee you, though, is that if I can do these projects, anyone can. I am the least artistic person I have ever met, so never be alarmed. These projects and purchases are not just user-friendly, but budget-friendly as well.

Welcome to Our Tiny Home!

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