Monday, February 11, 2013

Finding Nemo

This weekend I got a little off track. Instead of taking pictures of my living room as promised, my boyfriend and I spent the weekend snowed in thanks to the Blizzard of 2013 - or Nemo, as he was so interestingly named.

When my boyfriend and I moved to Boston almost two years ago from Washington DC (where we went to college), we both couldn't wait for our first New England winter in some time (we're both originally from the area - he from Connecticut and I from New Hampshire). Last year, though, was the weirdest, warmest winter ever (thanks, Global Warming) and we were so sad to never experience a true Boston snowstorm. So, last week when we heard Nemo was coming, we couldn't have been more excited.

According to the Weather Channel, Boston received a whopping 24.9 inches of snow - the fifth largest snowstorm in history! Needless to say, we were crazy excited and spent both Friday night during the storm and Saturday morning in its aftermath walking around the city and really getting into the snowy spirit.

One of the reasons we love our apartment so much is our neighborhood - the North End, and I think these pictures of the storm show exactly why we're so in love with both our hood and Boston in general.

The boyfriend and dog running down Hanover St. Friday night - a street that is usually packed with cars and people

Olive trying to navigate the 2+ feet of snow outside our front door

Salem St. in the North End

Paul Revere statue and the Old North Church

Some poor people will have a very difficult time getting their cars out

Thank you to our awesome neighbor for snow blowing a path for all of us

Our car - next to a giant tower of snow drifts

All in all, we had a great weekend in the snow, and Olive had an even better time. We're looking forward to another storm soon, and I'm looking forward to getting our house back in working (and clean) order.

Pictures of the living room will be posted tonight, as I actually spent some of my Saturday rearranging a few key pieces.

Hope you all stayed warm and dry!

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